Aged care system resource released for GPs
Two Brisbane primary health networks have released a national guide to help GPs, specialists and other health professionals support patients...
Two Brisbane primary health networks have released a national guide to help GPs, specialists and other health professionals support patients...
There is a shortage of aged care services in rural and regional areas, and older people are seeking care too...
The government has established a special My Aged Care case management team to link the most vulnerable older people to...
More than half of older people who have received a home care package are struggling to work out what to...
Innovation and enhanced technology must be included in all current and future aged care planning to reduce costs, increase efficiency...
The ATO has published information on the application of the Goods and Services Tax to the provision of home care...
The rhetoric about “choice” in consumer directed care isn't translating into practice, an ageing conference has heard. Dr Tammy Aplin,...
Aged care minister Ken Wyatt has written to home care providers reminding them they will be required to participate in...
The federal government hopes to have a new system which will allow health professionals to send referrals directly from their...
Harnessing the potential of community radio is one initiative being piloted to educate multicultural communities about aged care. Bilingual aged...
The Department of Health is hosting a live webinar for aged care service providers next week on the draft quality...
The Federal Government is investing $2.8 million in detailed business case planning for a project to further develop the My...