Online dementia courses win export award
Two free online dementia courses run by the University of Tasmania which have proved popular in places as far flung...
Two free online dementia courses run by the University of Tasmania which have proved popular in places as far flung...
Community care workers are being encouraged to participate in a free online course run by the University of Tasmania on...
Flinders University researchers are running a free online course on palliative care and end-of-life issues. The popular five-week Massive Open...
Aged care workers are being encouraged to enrol in a free online course run by the University of Tasmania on...
Community care workers are being encouraged to enrol in a free online course to increase their knowledge of dementia prevention...
Newcastle University in the UK is offering a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on assessing and reducing the risk of...
Home care workers are being encouraged to enrol in a free online course to increase their knowledge of dementia. The...
CareSearch has developed a Massive Open Online Course on death, dying and palliative care to be released this month. The...
Professionals working in the community care sector are being encouraged to participate in free online courses on disability issues on...
Health and aged care workers and family carers are invited to participate in a free online course on person-centred approaches...