Tackling income-tested care fees “not on the table” in short-term: department
The Department of Social Services says it has no plans to change income-tested care fee arrangements or package levels as...
The Department of Social Services says it has no plans to change income-tested care fee arrangements or package levels as...
The Department of Social Services will host a live webinar for service providers and Aged Care Assessment Teams on the...
The Federal Government’s national evaluation of consumer directed care has recommended trialling new approaches in home care for some special...
From February 2017 home care packages will be assigned to consumers by My Aged Care from a national pool of...
The Department of Social Services has begun consultations over its proposed new Short-Term Restorative Care Program (STRC) and will host three workshops...
Some 25 per cent of home care package providers are yet to consider changing their services and systems to a consumer...