Extra Support at Home packages welcomed
Following Monday’s announcement of the passing of the Aged Care Bill 2024 to make the new Aged Care Act law,...
Following Monday’s announcement of the passing of the Aged Care Bill 2024 to make the new Aged Care Act law,...
The term ‘Forgotten Australians’ refers to the estimated half a million children who were placed in institutional or out-of-home ‘care’...
Local councils have called for a two-year transition plan to implement the new Aged Care Act, saying they’ll need time...
Almost two-thirds of respondents to a government survey are optimistic the new Aged Care Act will improve Australia’s aged care...
Providers have questioned the sector’s ability to deliver services that preserve the rights contained in the new Aged Care Act,...
Consumer advocacy groups have strongly reiterated calls for the federal government to deliver the new Aged Care Act sooner rather...
Advocacy groups have called on the federal government to deliver the new Aged Care Act as soon as possible after...
Following feedback from the sector, the government is allowing more time for stakeholders to review the draft of the new...
Government released the long-awaited exposure draft of the new Aged Care Act on Thursday and has offered the document up...
Peak bodies and advocacy groups have met to provide feedback to the aged care minister on the proposed framework of...
The government is seeking feedback from providers, stakeholders, older people, their families and carers on the framework of the new Aged...