Why wellbeing is helping providers thrive in 2021

Be part of this conversation on Hayylo’s webinar.

Be part of this conversation on Hayylo’s webinar on the 10th Feb, registrations are now open

If there’s something the 2020 COVID-19 crisis taught us, it is the importance of being part of a community; feeling connected and well supported, even if not physically, and the new ways to do that.

Even if Australia is ready to move on to business as usual, there is a part of our dynamic as a society that will never be the same. And that’s not bad at all. We’ve seen not only many sector paradigms being tested and changing for the better, but we all also collectively learned the high impacts of isolation and saw the rise of many mental health issues that needed to be addressed. Now more than ever we understand the importance of focusing on what sustains us, what gives us purpose day to day and the notion that how we care for ourselves has a direct impact on how well we can care for others.

With all that, an emerging narrative was becoming increasingly more evident:  Wellbeing.  Within the sector of Aged, Community and Disability care, whilst Wellbeing was a familiar, if not rather generic throw-away domain focus, suddenly the challenges of 2020 renewed how we perceived and enabled Wellbeing throughout our care service delivery – for both clients and our workforce.

Not only the pandemic, but also the Aged Care Royal Commission Interim Report have been heavy tailwinds to the trend of empowering greater wellbeing. In response to this wellness and reablement models of care are becoming much more recognised, both in their ability to improve independence and quality of life for people under a provider’s care and for the workforce that supports that care.

There is so much to discuss, in both our awareness and recognition of the need for empowering greater connection and wellbeing, but also the strategies and toolsets and lessons learnt that we can influence and deploy right now to kick us off to a better 2021!  

Join the team of Hayylo, an award-winning communication platform for aged, community and disability care providers, and Goodwin Aged Care’s Executive Director, Jamie Fillingham, on the 10th of February at 2pm (AEDT) as we talk all things Wellbeing and Thriving in 2021.

What will be discussed:

-The correlation between feeling connected, even digitally, and wellbeing.

-Why excelling at communication and engagement is being one step ahead of the whole industry – with direct links to evidencing against the existing Aged Care Quality Standards and fostering independence and confidence in your service and support delivery.

-Step by step on how to implement personalised and on-time communication with clients and families to increase their feeling of satisfaction and independence, lower anxiety and empower a true connected model of service delivery.

Register now, limited seats!

Hayylo Insights Webinar Series #1: Wellbeing – the pathway to thriving in 2021

Date: 10th February, 2021 at 2pm (AEDT)

Speakers: Simon Heaysman & Greg Satur, Co-founder at Hayylo

Meg Braithwaite, Growth and Accounts Director at Hayylo

Jamie Fillingham, Executive Director of Care at Goodwin Aged Care

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