Exceed the Aged Care Quality Standards and delight your customers with Hayylo

Hayylo is enabling support teams across Australia to collaborate with real-time information that allows them to provide enhanced care.

The next generational wave into aged care is imminent, triggering a revolution in the Aged & Community Care Sector. 

The coming generation is a more organised, vocal, and technologically adept group with modern standards for care. These refreshed standards provide opportunities for innovation to an often antiquated industry. Hayylo is enabling support teams across Australia to collaborate with real-time information that allows them to provide enhanced care.

These modern standards of service are reflected in the Aged Care Quality Standards which set the benchmark for quality care across Australia since July 2019. Adhering to these standards is applying pressure on providers to adapt their services and the effects of COVID-19 has fast-tracked the need to implement more effective communication systems. Hayylo gives providers the opportunity to not only achieve the new standards of care, but also allows them to efficiently respond to the changing regulations with COVID-19. Our modern approach to care means providers can save time and costs by unifying multiple communication systems into a single intuitive space.

Through our intuitive multi-channel communications and service management, Hayylo is proud to achieve over 60% of these standards for providers, ensuring quality aged care with the touch of a button.

Hayylo helps providers achieve the standards for consumer dignity and choice, personal and clinical care, services and supports for daily living, feedback and complaints, human resources, and organisational governance among others. Since July 2020, prospective customers are able to view a care providers compliance with these standards through the My Aged Care government website. Represented through a 4-dots system, customers are now able to assess care providers through the Provider Search tool. This transparency has applied pressure on providers to quickly and efficiently achieve maximum compliance – and Hayylo makes that task easier. Here’s how we do it:

1. Consumer dignity and choice

We believe that it’s crucial for customers to receive dignity and respect with their care. The Hayylo app provides customers with full control over their care, ensuring that customers retain their autonomy and sense of self. Every customer is unique and deserves the opportunity to tailor their service to their own needs. Hayylo allows the customer to decide the who, what, and when involved in service delivery.

2. Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers

Hayylo’s platform provides the perfect forum to foster ongoing relationships between providers and consumers. Support comes from a variety of different areas and Hayylo’s collaborative platform provides transparent involvement in the care plan to all relevant people. This allows for appraisal on the delivery of services while enabling care teams to plan ahead with a clear understanding of the customers care plan.

3. Personal and Clinical Care

With Hayylo, quality care has never been simpler. Hayylo takes a collaborative approach to care, providing a shared space to collate customer knowledge and updates. Care workers are able to keep providers immediately informed of any changes to physical, cognitive, or emotional wellbeing, allowing for immediate and tailored action to be taken. Collaborative care removes confusion and optimises the customers experience. Hayylo also allows everyone to remain informed, from carers to providers, even distant family members are able to be involved.

4. Services and Support for Daily Living

Independence isn’t a luxury, but a necessity in providing quality aged, community and disability support services . Hayylo promotes community engagement within and outside the organisation. With Hayylo’s social features, customers are able to remain socially active and engaged within a community of their own. We believe wellbeing extends beyond the physical care of a customer, and the interactive nature of Hayylo means customers can request services that foster social and spiritual wellbeing.

5. Organisation’s Service Environment

With optimised communication between the customer and provider, Hayylo gives customers and support teams a platform to voice feedback and concerns about the working environment. While Hayylo cannot directly impact the service environment, it facilitates a timely and effective feedback loop to ensure customers and staff are satisfied. The collaborative nature of Hayylo ensures that there are no surprises for care teams, with accessible shared customer knowledge making staff feel informed and welcome.

6. Feedback and Complaints

Hayylo is available around the clock. This means that feedback can occur at any time and at the point of service delivery, from customers, carers, and family members alike. This aspect of Hayylo is invaluable to providers as it allows continuous improvement to the management and services provided to a customer, as it happens – not weeks or months later.

7. Human Resources 

With enhanced staff and team connectivity, Hayylo helps providers achieve the standard for respectful workforce and customer interaction. Organisations are able to stay involved in the provision of care and ensure that each customer receives respect towards their identity, culture, and diversity. Organisations are able to monitor and respond to requests from care teams and customers through their preferred communication channels.

8. Organisational Governance

The customer is involved in every aspect of their care with Hayylo. Not only does a customer’s involvement in managing their own services and care provide independence, it also allows a better understanding of the changing needs of customers to the provider. Hayylo also provides a medium to communicate a message directly and immediately to an audience. This ensures customers are always up-to-speed with the status of their support and the organisation is compliant every step of the way.

Hayylo’s intelligent, self-branded software makes it simple to exceed these standards. Our enhanced communication and domain expertise is already proving well-received by aged, community and disability support customers. We’ve seen an 80% acceptance rate of “Hayylo automation” from customers and 50% of customers have requested Hayylo as their preferred communication channel over calls. 

Not only is Hayylo helping providers exceed these standards, but it also allows for easy reporting and collation of compliance requirements; further optimising and streamlining the providers operation and insights into their care and service provision.

Don’t wait for your customers to ask about us, get in touch and trial Hayylo today.

Learn more about Hayylo here

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