Two grants open to support home care providers
Organisations can apply for financial support to upgrade IT systems and to continue delivering CHSP services until 2027.

The Department of Health and Aged Care has opened applications for funding to support home care and home support providers to make changes to their IT systems for the incoming Support at Home program, and another for Commonwealth Home Support Program to continue delivering services beyond July 2025.
With Support at Home replacing of the Home Care Packages Program from 1 July 2025, HCP providers require IT changes to meet new obligations for claiming payments.
Changes to CHSP reporting requirements from 1 July 2025 ahead of the CHSP transitioning into the SaH program will also require IT system changes to meet new reporting obligations.
The Support at Home and Aged Care Act Transition Support Grant Opportunity is open to eligible HCP and CHSP providers and will provide one-off funding of $10,000 from $20 million in available funds.
It can be used for HCP providers to meet the 1 July obligations under Support at Home and the new Aged Care Act, and by CHSP providers to meet new reporting obligations under the new Aged Care Act and their 2025-27 grant agreements.
Applications can only be accepted for existing approved providers of HCP and existing CHSP providers who have an executed grant agreement with the Commonwealth to deliver CHSP services due to expire on 30 June.
More information on the grant application can be found here.
Applications close 25 February at 2:00pm (AEDT).
CHSP 2025-27 Funding Extension Grant
The CHSP 2025-27 Funding Extension Grant is now open for CHSP providers to continue delivering entry level aged care services to frail, older people aged 65 years and over, or aged 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The extension grant provides funding to continue services from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027 and will allocate up to $7.22 billion in 2025-2027 for existing, directly-funded CHSP providers.
All eligible currently contracted CHSP providers have been sent an invitation to apply.
To be eligible, providers must have:
- an executed grant agreement with the Commonwealth to deliver CHSP services that is due to expire on 30 June 2025
- received an invitation to apply email from the department
- be compliant and meet requirements under the 2024-25 CHSP agreement.
If a CHSP provider with a current grant agreement is withdrawing from CHSP service delivery on 30 June 2025, the department may approach organisations to apply that have a current subcontracting arrangement with the withdrawing entity.
Applications are to be emailed to before 2:00pm (AEDT) on 30 April.
More information about the application can be found on GrantConnect.
More information on the CHSP reforms can be found here.
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