Home care exec input wanted
Opinions from home care leaders sought on priorities, challenges and opportunities for the year ahead.

Enkindle Consulting is calling for home care service and program leaders to share their views on the challenges and opportunities for the industry in 2025 in its annual survey.
This is the third year of the Home Care Provider Outlook Survey, which targets those in charge of Commonwealth Home Support Program and Home Care Package program services.
Like the previous iteration, it aims to highlight the collective views and thoughts on industry priorities, future opportunities and technology advancements and provide a useful resource for home care providers and other stakeholders.
Last year Enkindle found that workforce recruitment and retention were the most prevalent challenges facing the sector.

Enkindle Consulting founder Jennene Buckley told Community Care Review there are two key concerns they are expecting to top this year’s results.
“In the 2025 survey we are expecting to see concerns in relation to the timeframes for the implementation of the new Support at Home and the ability to resource the change,” Ms Buckley said.
“Also concerns on the technology readiness whether that be the need to implement new home care systems, or their current system readiness for the new Support at Home.”
To complete the 16-question survey click here. The closing date for responses is 31 January 2025.
Survey results from the survey showcasing key challenges and priorities for home care and CHSP providers will be published in the first half of 2025.
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