Tackle food complaints

ARIIA’s next round of free innovator training is focusing on managing food and drinks in aged care.

Aged care workers can undertake free training early next year to come up with innovative ways to deliver appetising, nutritious, and desired meals to the older people in their care.

Delivered by Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia, the theme of the innovator training program is Customising tasty, nutritious, and safe meals and settings for older adults”.

It is a timely topic as the latest complaints report from the sector’s regulator shows the quality and variety of food and catering is in the top 10 reported issues in aged care homes.

The six-week training focuses on managing food and drinks in aged care settings and delivering meals that are appetising, nutritious and safe, and meet the needs and preferences of older people.

Participants will take part in an exploration of issues and initiatives relating to nutrition and the eating experience in aged care. They will have access to Australian resources and guidance around this topic to identify an evidence-based solution that will work for their clients.

Training commences in March 2024. Applications close 2 February 2024.

Tags: ARIIA, food, food and nutrition, innovator training program,

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