The Department of Health and Aged Care has this week published the government’s 2023 engagement calendar for the ongoing consultation on the new in-home aged care program.
The seven-month schedule starts with targeted group consultation in January and February. February also includes consultation with indigenous elders and providers and the establishment of a clinical advisory group.
A trial of a prototype assessment tool has been scheduled for March and April along with training. In June, the government will hold the fourth webinar to update stakeholders on the reform of the in-home aged care program. The schedule ends with a national roadshow in June and July.

The government also intends to regularly publish newsletters and factsheets to provide information, progress updates and transition processes for both industry stakeholders and older people.
The updated consultation calendar follows a webinar held last month for older Australians, their families and carers, and the aged care sector to provide an update on the feedback received on the discussion paper for the new in-home aged care program.
Just before Christmas the department published the video recording of the webinar – which outlined the next steps for the reforms – and the slides that were shown during it.
Open engagement opportunities
Among other pending reforms, aged care stakeholders have until the end of next week to share their views on the draft Inspector-General of Aged Care Bill.
Last month, the government launched the consultation process for the draft bill and announced former COTA Australia chief executive Ian Yates as interim Inspector-General of Aged Care. The Inspector-General is expected to be appointed in the second half of 2023, pending the passage of legislation.
The 30–60-minute survey to inform the final bill targets aged care workers, providers, experts and peak organisations as well as older Australians, carers and families. The consultation period closes at 5pm AEDT on Friday 27 January 2023.
The government is also seeking feedback on the draft National Dementia Action Plan. The 15-minute survey also targets aged care workers, providers, experts and peak organisations as well as older Australians, carers and families.
Respondents are advised to refer to the consultation paper before completing the survey. There are also summary and one-page versions of the consultation document available. The survey closes on Tuesday 31 January 2023.
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consumers have vast sums of money left in their packages simply because providrs are ambiguous in their interpretation of the inclusion and exclusion manual. I have had items approved one year but the following year the same items are not approved and there is never a reason given. This means that I pay the retail price expecting to be reimbursed but find I am left out of pocket. There is more money left over in my HCP than there is in my bank account!
I am concerned about the lack of clarity for those who are currently Self-Managing their package. Firstly at a meeting I attended, when people asked questions that related to Self managing, they/we were told “we haven’t got to that yet”. Then at another meeting some months later, right at the end a Departmental person came on to give a quick ‘update’, outlining tat it had been decided that there will be a system that will set the cost for every service, which will include pro-rata additions for admin, HR costs, Super, mileage, etc. So anyone anywhere in Australia will pay the same amount for the same items/services. Most of us were just stunned at what we were hearing, some stated quite clearly, there was no way this would work & those of us who asked what this meant for self-managing clients, were told – “well they may want to review whether there is any point in continuing to do this as they will still pay the same as everyone else”.!!!!!!!! As the meeting ended, those who were saying /asking how/when this could be discussed further, were directed to go to the Dept website where all the relevant docs & dates for future meetings, will be. It may well be that this info is not correct but no-one has been able to find how or where or when, this can all be clarified. It seems like the train has already left the station & there is no way of stopping, slowing, or even info about future places to ‘get on board’ – it’s all set & done!!!!!