Virtual tech provides allied health access to remote in-home clients
Virtual technology is providing direct access to allied health professionals for HammondCare home care clients living in regional and remote areas.
Virtual technology is providing direct access to allied health professionals for HammondCare home care clients living in regional and remote areas of New South Wales.
The not-for-profit provider’s Virtual Restorative Care program targets home care clients who struggle to access face-to-face consultations with occupational therapists, physiotherapists, physiologists, and dietitians.
HammondCare health and palliative care general manager Andrew Montague said the VRC program was developed after recognising its home care clients living in regional and remote locations were disadvantaged as they often face extended wait times to access allied health practitioners compared to people in metropolitan areas. They also face higher costs to access the care due to travel expenses.
“The restorative care team recognised there was a problem with these clients having access to timely, affordable and high-quality allied health services,” Mr Montague said. “This is a case of innovative thinking that is improving the quality of life for disadvantaged people with health needs.”
An evaluation of a trial of the VRC program found that 82 per cent of high-priority occupational therapist referrals and 100 per cent of high-priority dietetics referrals were assessed within a fortnight – the wait time for a face-to-face assessment in remote regions is six weeks.
“These clients now have a choice about how they receive expert in-home care – face-to-face in person or by technology,” said Angela Collins, operations manager of the restorative care team.
“By providing an alternative affordable method of service delivery, clients can utilise their home care package funds for other needs – services, equipment and home modifications – as required,” she added.
Currently, the VRC sessions are available across western and far west NSW. The program will be rolled out across other regions in due course.
Main image: Occupational therapist Kate Needham providing a virtual consultation from her Sydney office
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