MRFF grants target better outcomes for seniors

Recently funded projects aim to improve the wellbeing of older people through increasing physical activity and reducing elder abuse and depression.

From increasing physical activity to reducing health-sector elder abuse and depression, researchers have been awarded millions recently through the $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund’s 2021 Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care grants.

Among recipients, the National Ageing Research Institute has received two grants worth over $3.5 million to support continued research into improving health and aged care outcomes for two projects – No More Shame and ENJOY IMP-ACT.

The No More Shame project – led by NARI director of social gerontology Professor Bianca Brijnath – aims to remove stigmas and improve the recognition of, and response to, elder abuse by health providers.

It includes a co-designed training program for health providers, implementation of a co-designed screening tool, and a site champion in 10 sub-acute care sites across Australia.

Associate Professor Bianca Brijnath

“Almost 15 per cent of older Australians experience elder abuse, and its impact can be truly catastrophic – decreasing quality of life, and increasing mortality risk by 40 per cent,” Professor Brijnath said.

“Health providers play a vital role in helping elder abuse victims realise that they have nothing to be ashamed of, and to create a safe environment for reporting and response. This project will help to change the rhetoric around elder abuse, both in health care settings and in our society at large.”

The ENJOY Seniors Exercise Park IMP-ACT project – IMProving older people’s health through physical ACTivity – is designed to increase participation in physical activity to improve health outcomes for older people in Victoria.

The project aims to:

  • enhance the physical and mental wellbeing and social connectedness of older people
  • build capacity and engagement within local health providers, seniors groups and community members to maintain sustainability long term.

Five local governments will implement evidence-based, physical and social activity programs utilising specialised outdoor exercise equipment – the Seniors Exercise Park – for older people.

Professor Pazit Levinger

“We know how significantly physical activity can benefit the health of older people, by reducing risk of chronic disease, cognitive and functional decline, and improving mental health and wellbeing,” said project lead Professor Pazit Levinger.

“These exercise parks are also powerful facilitators of social connection, and by having accessible exercise equipment readily available we can encourage exercise that is safe, effective and enjoyable.”

$2m to reduce depression among home aged care recipients

A research project led by home health and aged care provider Silverchain and Monash University has been awarded $2 million to implement and evaluate an innovative model of mental health care for older people.

The ‘enhanced management of home-based elders’ – or EMBED model – aims to facilitate early detection and use of evidence-based treatment of depression in older Australians who receive aged care in their home.

Lead investigator Dr Tanya Davison – who is Silverchain’s director of research discovery and Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University – has established an aged mental health research collaboration of 15 of Australia’s premier clinical researchers from seven universities to address the growing problem of depression in aged care.

Mobility issues, life losses, and social isolation can mean many older people are not as engaged in the community and are at higher risk of depression, said Silverchain’s executive director of research and innovation Dr Anna Barker.

“Receiving aged care services at home provides real choice for people who want to retain their own agency and independence, but we must ensure as a sector we are attuned to every need, not just physical or social support,” Dr Barker said.

“There is a lack of access for our aged care in the home clients to effective treatments for depression,” she said. “Our research will evaluate the new EMBED model that is expected to reduce symptoms of depression, address stigma and enable older Australians to access evidence-based, tailored treatment at home.”

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Tags: featured, nari, Silverchain,

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