New resource helps navigate death and dying

In-home care provider Fernlea Community Care has commissioned a book to help people involved in caring for someone at the end of their life.

In-home care provider Fernlea Community Care has commissioned a book to help people involved in caring for someone at the end of their life.

Author Jackey Coyle

In the End: a practical guide to dying by Jackey Coyle was written after discussions with people who have supported others through the experience.

It’s designed to provide practical information for people who are dealing with the difficult subject of death and dying, as well as a resource for health professionals, counsellors and funeral planners

The book is divided into four parts, with the first two parts looking at different ideas and beliefs about dying and death and discussing the five elements of human life: body, mind, soul, people and possessions.

Part C provides a guide to planning and preparing for death and dying, including the legacy to be left behind, what to do with possessions, and Part D has been specifically written for carers, friends, companions and helpers.

The end of the book has a list of resources, including books, organisations and online media.

“If you can see dying as the final part of your life’s journey, you can give it the place it deserves in your discussions and planning,” Ms Coyle said.

Fernlea CEO, Sue McIvor said approaching the subject of death and dying can be difficult, but it can also be “liberating”.

“For those facing terminal illness it can give them a feeling of satisfaction knowing their affairs are in order or they have made their feelings clear,” she said.

“Death is an experience that we will all inevitably share. Our hope with this book is that it sparks conversation and makes dying a normal part of life.”

In the End: a practical guide to dying is available here.

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