Buckley transitions into consultancy

Former Feros Care chief executive officer Jennene Buckley has established a consultancy service to support aged care stakeholders through the challenges and opportunities of ongoing aged care reform.

Former Feros Care chief executive officer Jennene Buckley has established a consultancy service to support aged care stakeholders through the challenges and opportunities of ongoing aged care reform.

Enkindle, which launched this week, aims to help providers find their point of difference and put tangible and tactical plans in place to achieve their strategic goals, said Ms Buckley.

Ms Buckley has cofounded Enkindle with business partner Tash Edwards, a workforce and change management specialist.

“We aim to work with government, aged care providers, peak bodies, boards, executive and senior management of organisations to reimagine, redesign and transform services, systems, and organisations to deliver on worldclass aged care,” Ms Buckley told Australian Ageing Agenda.

She said Enkindle’s priorities included assisting aged care organisations with strategic advice, organisational strategy planning and development, transitioning strategy into operational plans and operational reviews.

Enkindle will also provide program and project establishment services, market entry and exit advice, and tender and business case development support.

Ms Buckley said leaving Feros Care in June after 20 years at the helm was a difficult decision.

She said her greatest achievements at Feros Care included growing the organisation’s annual income from $2.6 million in 2000 to $100 million today, the wide adoption of smart assistive technology and the Be Someone For Someone initiative to help tackle loneliness.

 “But for me, it is about a new adventure and an aspiration to play a much bigger role in shaping the next wave of reform,” Ms Buckley said.

“With the royal commission final report into aged care, the Federal Government’s response, and a roadmap of reform to 2025, I wanted to help shape a worldclass aged care system for Australians,” she said.   

Ms Buckley said she hoped to now position herself independently from any one organisation.

“I hope to wear a few hats within the next five years, supporting government with specific pieces of work to deliver the reform, particularly around system design, stakeholder management and supporting aged care providers to understand the reform and mobilise a tactical strategy to meet the reform head on,” she said.

Ms Buckley said she was most looking forward to providing a fresh set of eyes and adding value to the sector.

“I love a start-up, I love innovation and I love a strategy, so working with organisations to refresh, renew and revive their plan, strategy or organisation will be very exciting and rewarding.

“Already with a few contacts that have reached out, I have found just by adding a fresh set of eyes, new perspectives and resources where the companies have needed it has been satisfying and mutually rewarding,” Ms Buckley said.

*This story first appeared on Australian Ageing Agenda

Main image: Jennene Buckley

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