Indigo launches national assistive tech program
A new national Goods Equipment and Assistive Technology (GEAT) program has been launched by independent living supports provider Indigo.
Occupational therapists and assessors can how access a national Goods Equipment and Assistive Technology (GEAT) program via independent living supports provider Indigo.
The WA-based Independent Living Centre, which restructured and rebranded as Indigo in 2020, launched the Geat2GO initiative on Monday after winning a government tender issued in February.
Geat2GO provides funding for CHSP clients to access to up to $1000 of devices and equipment a year, including health professional services.
Items that can be accessed include personal alarms, communication aids, medical care aids, reading aids, self care aids and mobility aids.
Geat2GO was introduced to expand the availability of GEAT to older Australians and ensure national coverage of services, especially in rural and regional areas.
Indigo will operate alongside current CHSP GEAT suppliers to provide supports and services across Australia on an “as needs” basis where no other provider is available.
“The aim is to close GEAT service gaps, reduce wait times for clients (where an OT assessment is not required) and give increased options when sourcing GEAT services for your client,” a government fact sheet says.
Indigo says it will link clients to its National Equipment Database, the largest assistive tech and device database in Australia.
“This makes it a seamless addition for Indigo to offer the national geat2GO program across Australia because of our considerable experience helping individuals live more independently with assistive technology,” CEO Steve Glew said in a statement.
“We are thrilled to be assisting to close gaps in the Goods Equipment and Assistive Technology (GEAT) service offering and getting more helpful devices and equipment to the people that need it most.”
There is no obligation to use the national Geat2GO and an OT is still required to assess clients for complex GEAT needs.
Occupational Therapists and assessors can request equipment for eligible consumers here.
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Congratulations, this is EXACTLY the program Australia needed, and I’m extremely pleased that Indigo won the tender. All of my dealings with ILC WA (now Indigo) have been above and beyond expectations.
Previously, when a person (without a HCP) wanted a Konnekt Videophone or Captioning Videophone, they would have problems finding a Home Care Provider that was local to the client, that had spare GEAT funding (for Goods Equipment and Assistive Technology), and was willing to use that precious funding for a client who may not need anything else. This was especially the case in rural areas, but it was also occurring in metro areas.
This new program will enable eligible seniors to quickly gain access to Communication Aids (and other Assistive Tech) that they need, without jumping through hoops, and without waiting for a Home Care Package.
I expect that rural seniors whose “only” disability is severe/profound hearing impairment will benefit the most: Many have not needed supports in the past apart from hearing aids, which are covered by a totally different government funding program, and so they have not heard of or have not applied for a Home Care Package. This new CHSP initiative will enable faster easier access to a Communications Aid such as a captioning phone.
Congratulations to Indigo, and to those in MyAgedCare and the Department, for making this happen.
Ah, well. A few weeks in and Indigo have run out of many of the common equipments items like shower stools & over toilet frames. There is now months of wait time. Poor planning & modeling went on here. Indigo didnt seen to have a full idea of how many requests they were likely to get-particulalrly from the East coast states.
I want to enquire after a alarm band for my Husband Kevin he is 93 can you fill me in how to go about it many thanks Fay Jelleff
How can I find the Equipment list that is funded under the CHSP? I have looked on your website but cannot find how to access the list when you are not a professional. I want to find out what is available for the $1,000 that CHSP people are eligible for.
Not worth 2 Bob I’m desperate for a lift chair been through absolute hell to get approved I’m in financial difficulty and I have paid all the OT fees and more and now I’m told that on my $2600.00 lift chair that I have to pay $950.00 to get it ,,
The web site clearly stated you MAY have to contribute the opinion of the people doing this is you have to pay LOTS to get assistance for my chronic back pain and severe arthritis in my knees ….absolutely disgusting!!!!
Needless to say after 2 months I’m still in worsening chronic back pain and nothing is being done ???
Why only $1000 per year when it used to be if you had funds in your package you could purchase items. Why this limit?