Harnessing technology pays off for disability provider

Improving mobile communication has enabled a Perth disability services provider to expand its services with assistive technologies.

Improving mobile communication has enabled Perth disability services provider Rocky Bay to expand its services with cutting edge neuroscience assistive technologies and conduct 3,000 teletherapy consultations over the last year.

Adam Maxwell

Rocky bay supports thousands of people across Western Australia and employs more than 1,000 staff in support work, occupational therapy, dietetics, nursing and accommodation services.

In last year it became the first West Australian provider to offer the NeuroNode Trilogy system, which enables people with low mobility to use computers and control communication by lifting a finger or moving their eyes.

The finger movement control is achieved via a small wireless sensor place on the skin, while the eye-gaze technology shines infrared light on the eyeballs to move a cursor. Used together, the system allows users to move a cursor and click on it.

Rocky Bay has also contracted telecommunications provider Macquarie Telecom to workplace processes, including rostering and communication between staff, and transitioned from in-person therapy to virtual sessions.

Rocky Bay CFO Adam Maxwell says the process upgrades and innovations are improving the lives of customers and staff at Rocky Bay.

“Between April 2020 and May 2021, we’ve successfully conducted 2,903 tele-therapy sessions, and the new format has garnered positive feedback from customers,” he said.

“The NeuroNode and eye-gaze control technology sound incredibly futuristic, but they are already here in Western Australia and making such a difference in the lives of our customers and their families.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the capabilities of assistive technology”.

Rocky Bay will continue to roll out other technologies to support clients including AI to predict when certain behaviours and events, such as a seizure, will occur, and to initiate contact with carers, as well as virtual reality in customer homes.

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Tags: assistive-technology, disability-services, rocky-bay,

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