Co.As.It opens new community hub
Brisbane-based provider Community Services has opened a new community hub.

Brisbane-based provider Community Services has opened a new community hub in a former gospel chapel in Bracken Ridge.
The newly renovated facility, Amici House, has a commercial kitchen, a community café, allied health facilities, a deck for community gatherings, landscaped gardens, a ramp and 46 space car park.
Amici House will provide exercise classes, physiotherapy, podiatry, social activities and information sessions for people in the northern suburbs to Redcliffe, Pine Rivers and Caboolture.
CEO Dina Ranieri said the hub would provide a fully integrated model of care.
“As the name suggests Amici House is ‘House of Friends’ – increasing social cohesion, improving health and well-being,” she told Community Care Review.

It’s the third community centre owned by the Italian-heritage charitable organisation, which has been providing services for 41 years and runs social activities across north and south Brisbane and the Gold Coast. It recently expanded its services to vulnerable people under 65 and NDIS participants.
Co.As.It, which in 2019-20 provided more than 515,000 hours of services and to around 4,500 clients, has implemented new programs over the last two years including the state-government funded Qld Community Support Scheme (QCSS) and NDIS supports.
It started delivering NDIS services two years ago and now supports more than 60 participants.
In the last year it provided 6,000 hours of home and community supports under the QCSS is targeted at people under the aged of 65 with a disability, chronic illness or mental health condition who are not eligible for the NDIS.
Co.As.It supports 669 home care package and 5,100 CHSP clients.
It also runs a community visitors scheme for the Brisbane and South Coast CALD communities.
Co.As.It recently renovated a new head office in Lutwyche to accommodate increased staff and provide space for training.
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