Pilot to improve procurement process for providers
A program to improve procurement outcomes for aged care providers is being piloted by Wholesale trading platform TradeSquare.
Wholesale trading platform TradeSquare has partnered with consulting firm Banksia Consulting Group to co-design a pilot program with aged care providers to improve their procurement outcomes.
The program will inform the development of a commercial platform that supports aged care providers to efficiently purchase products and services at a good price.
The pilot is targeting smaller aged care providers to understand the products and services they need to operate, which TradeSquare will source for the best market price using predominantly Australian products.
Banksia Consulting Group managing director Sean Matthews said aged care providers participating in the pilot will work with a personal buyer to understand all of the organisation’s procurement needs.
“We’re trying to provide a consolidated pocket where providers can just go to one platform. But we’ve come from a learned experience where we’re learning through the pilot as to what they need, how they need it and how often they need it,” Mr Matthews told Australian Ageing Agenda.
Many aged care providers are having problems managing the products and services they need for the future, Mr Matthews.
“A lot of the organisations right now post-COVID have a real issue with risk management. For example, getting products quickly and being able to access products. They had a lot of problems with the supply chain post-COVID because nobody anticipated that it was going to be this bad,” he said.
Participating providers will receive a $500 credit to spend on products and services during the pilot.
Mr Matthews said he hoped the pilot will lead to improved transactions, costs and efficiency for providers and support Australian businesses.
“It’s a win-win for both ends because the wholesale sector is keen to support aged care. They just don’t know how. And we’re trying to understand the how with aged care,” Mr Matthews said.
Providers interested in participating in the pilot can email Sean Matthews at sean.matthews@banksiaconsultinggroup.com