Disability Royal Commissioner steps down
Disability Royal Commissioner Roslyn Atkinson will step down from her role for personal reasons.
Disability Royal Commissioner Roslyn Atkinson will step down from her role for personal reasons.
Royal Commission chair Ronald Sackville thanked Commissioner Atkinson for her contribution to the inquiry and said the commission had benefited enormously from her work.
“On behalf of all commissioners I wish to express our deep appreciation to Commissioner Atkinson for her invaluable contributions to the work of the royal commission and our regret that she is leaving us,” he said in a statement.
“She has contributed tirelessly to all facets of the royal commission’s many activities.”
Commissioner Sackville said her engagement over many years with people with disability and First Nations people, as well as her familiarity with complex policy and rights issues, had delivered significant insights to the royal commission.
“I am particularly grateful to Commissioner Atkinson for her unstinting support and encouragement to me as the Chair of the royal commission,” Commissioner Sackville said.
“My colleagues and I extend our very best wishes to her for the future.”
Earlier this month the royal commission was granted an extension of time and will now deliver its report on September 29, 2023.
Commissioner Atkinson is a former Queensland Supreme Court judge and was the inaugural president of the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Tribunal.
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