Pricing table a carrot and stick for providers

The government has released a new data table revealing the median cost of common home care services across Australia, which it hopes will act as a carrot to improve service offerings and a stick against unjustified charges.

The government has released a new data table revealing the median cost of common home care services across Australia, which it hopes will act as a carrot to improve service offerings and a stick against unjustified charges.

Richard Colbeck

Older Australians and their families will also be able to get an idea of standard pricing to help them make decisions about whether a provider’s prices are fair, says aged care services minister Richard Colbeck.

The table shows median prices for nursing, in-home respite, personal care and cleaning, as well as package and management.

The data can be viewed on a national level, by state and territory, or across metropolitan, regional, rural and remote areas.

Median prices revealed

For example, the latest data set shows that the median national price for cleaning and household tasks, personal care and in home-respite is around $55 and hour, with $95 per hour for nursing.

The fortnightly case management cost ranges from a high of $299 for a level 4 package fully managed by the provider, to $34 for a self-managed level one.

The information is compiled from aged care provider information provided to the government as part of their reporting requirements.

Providers must publish the information on the My Aged Care website and users can compare pricing at up to three providers.

But Senator Colbeck says the new format shows median prices, which he says will keep downward pressure on prices.

“It gives those looking to access care a very important insight into what common available prices and where providers may be charging premium prices,” he said in a statement.

“We expect this information in the hands of senior Australians will encourage providers to enhance their service offerings, while also helping to put downward pressure on unjustified charges, in particular administration charges.”

The information will be updated quarterly.

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Tags: featured, home-care-packages, richard-colbeck,

1 thought on “Pricing table a carrot and stick for providers

  1. Many Service Providers restrict the expenditure in a package and make demands on the clients spending that is unwarranted and outside the boundaries of the My Aged Care Manual the high levels of unspent funds is due to poor assessment and the lack of qualifications for a valid assessment which is over the phone and a box ticking exercise, no face to face interviews as the Provider is not prepared to support a well structured employment salary package for the qualification and skill used.

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