Medication management guides under review
The national health care regulator is updating the guiding principles for medication management in residential and community care.
The national health care regulator is updating the guiding principles for medication management in community care.
The Department of Health tasked the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care ACSQHC to review and update the existing guides, which promote the safe, quality use of medicines and medication management in residential aged care facilities and in the community.
The guides are the Department of Health’s Guiding principles for medication management in residential aged care facilities, which was published in October 2012, and the former Australian Pharmaceutical Advisory Council’s 2006 Guiding principles for medication management in the community and complementary reference guide.
“This update will consider best-practice evidence, standards and advice from experts, providers, and users of medicines in the health and aged care sectors,” the health department said.
The project will be informed by a literature review and environmental scan, analysis of contextual documents and stakeholder consultation, including the health department, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and the Australian Digital Health Agency.
It will also involve state and territory health departments, private hospitals, professional bodies, consumers, and the aged care sector.
The ACSQHC will establish a project advisory group to provide technical and strategic advice to inform the project.
The updated publications are expected to be out by 24 December 2021.
View Guiding principles for medication management in residential aged care facilities and Guiding principles for medication management in the community.
Find out more about the review.