Report shows growth in NDIS provider market
NDIS providers received more than $20 billion to provide supports through 2020.

The NDIS market is growing, with a 12 per cent increase in registered providers over the last year.

The latest NDIS Quarterly Report, released on Wednesday, says 15,708 providers have been involved in the scheme since it began seven years ago, with 8,752 active this quarter.
Providers received more than $20 billion to provide supports through 2020, with $5.5 billion paid in the December quarter.
After completing its national rollout last year, the NDIS is now supporting 430,000 people, the data shows.
The number of younger people in residential aged care has also fallen by 22 per cent over the last two years, according to the report.
The NDI became available across Australia in July 2020.

Adapting to challenges
NDIS minister Stuart Robert says the NDIS adapted well to last year’s dual challenges of bushfires and a pandemic.
“It achieved this by adding or refining supports available to participants and providers, improving outcomes for participants and growing the scheme,” he said in a statement.
“The NDIS has now reached a significant stage, with a sharper focus on ensuring a better experience for every participant.”
Mr Robert said figures indicating people with disability were getting access to supports faster showed the government was delivering on its Participant Service Guarantee.
The report says 92 per cent of first plans were approved within the 70 day timeframe for participants over the age of seven, compared to 64 per cent a year ago, and review timeframes also improved with 100 per cent of decisions to undertake a participant requested review made within 21 days, compared to 56 per cent a year ago.
Identifying thin markets
Trials have also been run in locations across Australia to monitor and identify thin markets.
“The NDIA is using the findings from the trials to develop the approach to identifying, prioritising and intervening in markets,” the report says.
“Intervention actions are flexible and tailored in response to local issues
identified, and may include improving plan implementation, improving information signals, market facilitation, coordinated funding proposals, and if required, direct commissioning.”
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