National NDIS worker screening now in place

A new national screening system for NDIS workers has been introduced.

NDIS providers can expect a reduction in their administration burden with the launch of a new national NDIS Worker Screening Database, the government says.

Stuart Robert

The new system to screen NDIS workers was introduced in February 1 to replace the existing patchwork operating across Australia.

The NDIS Worker Screening Check will begin replacing the various state and territory screening arrangements from this week, NDIS minister Stuart Robert said on Monday.

A national database will also enable ongoing review of workers’ clearances against recent criminal history and misconduct information.

“These new arrangements will help ensure the people who work with NDIS participants – or who wish to do so- do not present an unacceptable risk to people with disability,” Mr Robert said.

He said the system will ensure a uniform way of assessing NDIS workers regardless of where they live and will also enable workers and employers to deliver supports and services for any registered NDIS employer across the state.

People employed by registered NDIS providers must have clearance if they are to be employed in high risk roles, Mr Robert said, and NDIS must comply with worker screening obilgations if they want to retain their registration.

The need for a nationally consistent worker screening process is identified in the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework which has been agreed to by all Australian governments.

The government has committed $16.1 million over four years to establish NDIS worker screening.

More information is available here.

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