Epicor announces new partnerships with providers
Three aged care providers have signed with technology vendor Epicor to automate processes and focus on delivering personalised care.

Three aged care providers have signed with technology vendor Epicor to automate processes and focus on delivering personalised care to their aged care clients.
Victorian aged care providers Wingtringham and MannaCare and Queensland home care provider Finncare have implemented Epicor Community Care to support a digital transformation and achieve greater visibility, productivity, agility and traceability.
The software provides an end-to-end solution to manage financials, client records, purchasing, rostering and document management.
MannaCare’s long-term strategy is to move toward a fully integrated solution across its aged care and NDIS business, said services general manager of corporate services Vanessa May.
“The new community care module will give us greater visibility and operational control across all our programs, timely management and financial reporting, more effective workforce management, and improved client experience,” Ms May said.
“Our ultimate goal is always to provide the end consumer with the excellent level of service they want and deserve and we believe that Epicor Community Care module will only enhance our ability to consistently meet this goal,” she said.
Epicor software regional vice president for ANZ Greg O’Loan said ensuring aged care recipients get the services they need from their preferred supplier can make a huge difference to quality of care.

“Epicor Community Care gives aged care providers additional control to allow for better outcomes,” Mr O’Loan said.
“If clients are more receptive to a particular care provider, then it makes sense to schedule that provider to attend to that client as much as possible. This means the client will have a better experience and be more likely to take their medications as directed,” Mr O’Loan said.
Mr O’Loan said the system makes aged care provider’s jobs easier.
“It gives them a clear view of their jobs for the day, and allows them to accept, progress, enter case notes, and complete jobs on a compatible mobile device anywhere and at any time.”
“The solution provides consolidated reporting and a single source of truth, which can help organisations make better decisions and be more efficient and competitive,” he said.
Epicor Community Care builds on its Senior Living Solutions, a solution that streamlines processes, personalises care and controls costs.
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