Updated COVID guidelines available for home care

The federal government has updated its COVID-19 guide for home care providers.

Home care worker who have provided necessary care involving close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case should not worry as long as PPE was correctly used, according to updated federal guidelines.

“As long as PPE was used correctly, it is safe for staff to continue to provide care,” the guidelines say.

However if there is a breach in the PPE, such as a glove breaking, a mask coming away or a gown becoming soaked, the worker must notify their employer and self-quarantine for 14 days.

There have been 31 cases of COVID-19 and three deaths among in-home aged care recipients.

Source: Health Department

Service providers should also minimise the number of staff who come into contact with a client who confirmed as having COVID-19 or who is awaiting test results.

Any staff who are unsure of the COVID-19 status of a person they are caring for, or unsure about PPE usage, should contact their employer to seek advice on individual cases and use of PPE before entering a home.

That information and more is included in the federal government’s updated COVID-19 guide for home care providers.

There have been 31 cases of COVID-19 and three deaths among in-home aged care recipients, according to the latest government figures.

The resource provides comprehensive advice for HCP, CHSP and disability providers on organisational planning, use and disposal of protective equipment, cleaning and communication with staff and clients.

It covers the direct care workforce including aged care workers, personal care workers, nurses, admin and support staff and allied health professionals.

It also contains scenarios of situations that might arise including when a staff member is concerned they may have COVID, when a staff member has provided close personal care to someone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus and where a home care worker may have worked in a residential facility where COVID-19 has been confirmed.

Links to training modules, further information and other resources have been included in the guide.

Access the guide here.

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