Applications open for NATSIFAC home care funding

Applications are open for home care providers in remote and regional areas of the country to expand or establish services under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program, or NATSIFAC.

Applications are open for home care providers in remote and regional areas of the country to expand or establish services under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program, or NATSIFAC.

Applicants in approved areas can also apply to convert from older existing home care services to NATSIFAC places.

The NATSIFAC program funds the provision of culturally appropriate care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders so they can age close to home and community. Funded services are mainly in rural and remote areas. The current round of grants is available to providers in specific areas designated under the Modified Monash Model.

Grants totalling $46 million will be allocated through a targeted, competitive selection process.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Existing NATSIFAC providers
  • Approved providers delivering commonwealth funded home care services under the 1997 Aged Care Act who want to switch to NATSIFAC
  • Organisations with existing infrastructure seeking to establish services in approved areas

The current round of applications, which does not include residential places, closes on November 26.

Applications can be made here.

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Tags: aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander, community-care-review-slider, flexible-services, funding, indigenous, NATSIFAC, remote,

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