Starting a discussion on older people and family violence
Seniors Rights Victoria has launched a series of discussion papers to help advance a conversation on elder abuse as a form of family violence.
Seniors Rights Victoria has launched a series of discussion papers to help advance a conversation on elder abuse as a form of family violence.
The Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, which concluded in 2016, included a chapter on violence against seniors and several recommendations to help identify and respond to elder abuse within the family.
Seniors Rights said a key goal of the resources was to build understanding between the two sectors and identify best practice approaches to integrating older people into family violence responses.
Three discussion papers were launched at an event on 3 May. The event was attended by representatives from the domestic violence and aged services sectors, and the head of the family violence command at Victoria Police.
The paper, Elder Abuse as Family Violence, explores how elder abuse is similar and different to other forms of family violence. It reports on the some of the causes, effects and risk factors for elder abuse.
Elder Abuse, Gender and Sexuality examines how gender and sexuality identity can affect a person’s experience of elder abuse and raises awareness of the under-recognised and underreported crime of sexual assault against older women. The paper argues for further research into the ways that the gender of both the victim and the perpetrator can affect situations of elder abuse.
Preventing Elder Abuse examines how elder abuse prevention requires a wide spectrum of activities from empowering individuals to tackling entrenched ageism in society.
For more information on the discussion papers click here.