Rapport with staff, control most valued by clients: research

The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency has published a report into the drivers of consumer choice and perceptions of quality services in community care.

The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency has published a report into the drivers of consumer choice and perceptions of quality services in community care.

The results of the literature review conducted by La Trobe University is being used to inform the development of a set of interview questions to capture the experience of home and community care clients.

As reported by Community Care Review, the quality agency will start publishing consumer experience reports as part of its reviews of home and community-based services later this year.

The agency is currently designing a pilot to test a set of interview questions with consumers. Different ways of gathering client feedback will also be evaluated including online surveys and interviews conducted in person and over the phone.

The La Trobe report by the Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing identified eight themes most important to choice and quality in home and community-based services.

These are:

  1. consumer control and active participation in decision-making regarding their care services
  2. continuity and rapport with support workers
  3. flexibility and choice in service delivery, including choice of preferred service provider, daily activities and the support workers that deliver their care
  4. the ability to receive services at home and not having to move away from their local residence, which was especially important to remote and indigenous consumers
  5. services that are affordable
  6. information and support to understand their care entitlements and manage their services
  7. feeling safe at home and in their communities, including access to emergency assistance
  8. timely access to information and services.

Download the report in full here.

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Tags: choice, community-aged-care, consumer-experience-reports, la-trobe, news-ccrn-1, quality, quality agency,

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