Service providers with bilingual staff are being encouraged to register their service with a new online directory launched by the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing.
The directory aims to make it easier for consumers and carers to search for bilingual aged care staff who speak their language in their region.
A second online tool, the Bilingual Agency Staff Directory, has been created to help aged care providers search for bilingual staff from other agencies to meet the language and cultural needs of their clients.
Registration is free for approved aged care providers.
Other resources launched by the centre include a set of standards for inclusive service delivery.
The three standards provide a framework for embedding inclusive practice within aged care organisations.
The standards were formally launched at the LASA Tri-State Conference earlier this month and are available to download as an online resource.
The centre’s popular Culturally Inclusive Aged Care Practice Guides have also been updated and are intended to be used by managers and staff to inform direct service provision.
The practice guides set out key considerations for service providers and cover the following topics:
- accessing interpreter services
- communication
- data and demographics
- food and nutrition
- leisure and lifestyle
- living environment
- spiritual support
- working with bilingual staff
Access the series of resources from the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing’s website.
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