Conference brings providers and consumers together on home care reforms

Utilising client feedback to attract and keep consumers in a competitive home care market is the focus of an upcoming sector conference taking place next month.

Utilising client feedback to attract and keep consumers in a competitive home care market is the focus of an upcoming sector conference taking place next month.

Coinciding with the introduction of package portability from 27 February, Home Care Today is bringing together providers, consumers and experts to discuss strategies to better respond to the needs of consumers in the new environment.

Home Care Today manager Jonathan Pietsch said the conference will provide an opportunity for service providers to take stock of the new home care marketplace and reflect on the impact of the changes coming into force.

The benefits of adopting a co-production approach is also a dominant theme throughout the event

“Leaders involved in some of the country’s most effective co-design and co-production programs will be sharing lessons from their work, detailing how they have tapped into consumer feedback to create responsive organisations and effective, efficient services,” he said.

The conference will also hear from a panel of 10 home care package clients and carers who will share their experiences and expectations of aged care services.

Aged Care Complaints Commissioner Rae Lamb will address the conference on learning from consumer complaints and the founder of Patient Opinion Australia, Associate Professor Michael Gecko, will discuss navigating online consumer feedback.

A presentation from COTA Australia will discuss the findings of a national consultation project that uncovered the top concerns of consumers and carers and involved them in prototyping solutions.

At the conference, Home Care Today will be launching its latest resources, including print and video consumer materials on maximising the most out of a home care package, said Mr Pietsch.

The Portability in Home Care Packages conference takes place 30-31 March in Melbourne. For more information and to register, click here.

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Tags: co-production, consumer-feedback, cota-australia, Home Care Today, home-care-packages, jonathan, news-ccrn-3, pietsch, rae-lamb,

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