New resource launched for health students on ageing and aged care in Australia and New Zealand

Healthy Ageing and Aged Care, a new book edited by Charles Sturt University academics Dr Maree Bernoth and Dr Denise Winkler, captures the personal experiences of ageing as told by older people as a powerful learning tool for health students.

Healthy Ageing and Aged Care, a new book edited by Charles Sturt University academics Dr Maree Bernoth and Dr Denise Winkler, captures the personal experiences of ageing as told by older people as a powerful learning tool for health students.

The 33 contributors to the book have expertise in a range of disciplines from nursing in acute and aged care, to social work, psychology, exercise science, ethics, palliative care and dietetics.healthy-ageing

The book includes chapters on the experience of ageing as an Indigenous Australian and as a Maori person. It also describes the experience of intimate relationships as people age, ageing in rural areas, family relationships, leisure and recreation, dementia, vulnerabilities and abuse, policies in Australia and New Zealand which impact on ageing and aged care, managing the health of older people in prison or those who are homeless, end of life care, and mental health.

Associate Professor Bernoth from CSU’s School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health said capturing the perspectives of older people provides a rich learning experience for students preparing to enter a range of health professions.

“Ultimately we want this book to support the learning of the next generation of professionals so they will be equipped to provide high quality care for older people in the community and in aged care, both in Australia and New Zealand,” she said.

The book’s online resources for teachers and students include nine video case studies from older Australians, carers and volunteers and an audio interview with a Wiradjuri woman.

Healthy Ageing and Aged Care was launched in November and is published by Oxford University Press. It is also available as an e-book.

Tags: book, CSU, education, healthy-ageing, maree-bernoth, news-ccrn-2, resource, student-education,

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