Online resource launched to help screen for frailty

Victorian not-for-profit aged care provider Benetas and Monash University have developed a new resource to support older people to identify and address the symptoms of frailty.

The Positive Ageing Resource Centre website

Victorian not-for-profit aged care provider Benetas and Monash University have developed a new resource to support older people to identify and address the symptoms of frailty.

The project launched the Positive Ageing Resource Centre website today. It makes accessible a validated frailty screening tool, as well as self‐management tools and resources to assist older people to take a proactive approach to their health.

“The signs and symptoms of frailty are quite subtle and are often not noticed. The aim of this tool is to help people pick up on signs earlier and then, together with their general practitioner, ultimately treat and prevent frailty from having a serious and negative impact,” said Benetas CEO Sandra Hills.

“In collaboration with Monash University, we hope to develop ways of slowing and even reversing the impact of frailty,” said Ms Hills.

People using the website can choose to have their results included in a long-term study that aims to improve the accuracy of frailty screening.

The resource has been funded by the Australian Government through an Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing Grant and was developed in collaboration with researchers from Monash University’s School of Primary Health Care.

The website also includes resources for health professionals and service providers on the assessment, diagnosis and management of frailty.

Access the resource by clicking here.

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Tags: acsihag, benetas, community-care-review-slider, education, frailty, monash-university, news-ccrn-1, resource, sandra-hills,

1 thought on “Online resource launched to help screen for frailty

  1. Fantastic… now we can have the sector reduce their excessive use of the term ‘frail’. The inability to use public transport doesn’t make a person frail, a condition described to me by a worker.

    I look forward to reading more about frailty.

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