Resource outlines top tips for preventing falls
Staying Active and On Your Feet is a consumer-friendly resource aimed at reducing the risk of falls among older people in the community.
Staying Active and On Your Feet is a consumer-friendly resource aimed at reducing the risk of falls among older people in the community.
Produced by the NSW Department of Health, the booklet covers a range of tips and strategies for older people on the importance of remaining physically active and improving balance and strength.
Community care workers can utilise the resource with home care clients to raise awareness of falls prevention strategies.
The resource outlines the types of activities that promote balance and strength and exercises that can be performed in the home.
Other topics covered include healthy eating, medication, and knowing what to do in the event of a fall. Health and lifestyle and home safety checklists can be used to assess a person’s risk of having a fall.
Visit the Active and Healthy website for more information and to download the falls prevention resource. NSW community care organisations can request printed copies. The NSW Health website also includes a video on home-based balance and strength exercises.
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