Learning at your desk: Upcoming sector webinars

The ongoing rollout of My Aged Care and the practical and contextual applications of consumer directed care are the subjects of upcoming webinars for aged care service providers.

The Department of Health is hosting a webinar for aged care service providers on the ongoing rollout of My Aged Care.

The live webinar to take place on 14 December will highlight the need for service providers to be ready for the transition of Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT) to My Aged Care in early 2016

The webinar will also demonstrate the enhancements made to the system’s portals since July 2015.

The sector will have the opportunity to watch and listen live, and to ask questions online.

For more information and to participate, visit the Department’s website.

Spotlight on choice and decision-making

The Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) is hosting its final webinar for 2015 on the practical and contextual applications of consumer directed care.

Experts to discuss the topic include researcher, trainer and consultant Carrie Hayter; lecturer at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Charles Sturt University Belinda Cash; Claudia Meyer from the RDNS Institute; and Joanne Mihelcic, a PhD Candidate at Monash University.

The webinar will take place on 9 December at 1.00-2.00pm AEST. For more information or to register visit the AAG’s website.

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Tags: aag, consumer-directed-care, my-aged-care, news-ccrn-4,

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