A new resource for the sector
Welcome to the first issue of the weekly Community Care Review newsletter, which will provide you with the latest news, opinion and analysis of the community aged care sector, as well as useful resources and event updates.
Dear readers,
Welcome to our first issue of the Community Care Review newsletter.
In this weekly newsletter we aim to complement Community Care Review magazine (published quarterly) by providing you with regular news updates, as well as coverage of resources, education and events in the sector.
Our overarching goal is to help community aged care organisations and their staff understand and navigate the historic changes underway in the sector.
Just two weeks ago the latest of these changes came into force, with the integrated Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) officially coming online and the conversion of all home care packages to a consumer directed care model. Likewise, the new My Aged Care Regional Assessment Services began conducting face-to-face assessments for access to the CHSP.
It is very early days and there will no doubt be changes to these significant reforms as they are implemented. We look forward to reporting on these developments and keeping you up-to-date with the latest industry news, opinion and analysis.
We welcome your input and are keen to hear your news and views. In particular, we want to highlight new resources and initiatives that can benefit the broader sector. Get in touch via email lbelardi@intermedia.com.au or call 02 8586 6198.
To subscribe to CCR please visit http://www.australianageingagenda.com.au/subscribe-to-ccr/
Until next issue,
Editor, Community Care Review.